Personal digital identity vs Professional digital identity

What digital platforms are students currently using to develop their professional network?
Such as Facebook, Twitter, Meetup, Quora, Slack, and Wistia digital platforms that are students currently using to develop their professional networks.

picture from Google search

What could the student consider in expanding their professional learning network?
As college students in the 21st century, we are faced with the rapid development society of information transparency, globalization, and sharing. We have more resources, we have more ways to find resources, but also because the information is coming at us, and there’s a lot of junk in it, and it blinds us. we need to know the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. As a carrier, the network has derived many forms of information transmission. We need to find out what e-learning methods exist today. There is always a lot of information available online for us to choose from if we want to. At the same time, the Internet is also a platform for communication, through which we can exchange ideas with others and gradually improve our knowledge network system.

Thread Discussion: How does data privacy and security limit and/or promote a PLN? In your network how can you create a digital identity/reputation?

Proficient in the application of data protection technologies to protect personal information. Timely data discovery, data loss, data storage, and data security can be ensured through backups, snapshots, replication, firewalls, authentication and authorization, encryption, endpoint protection, and more. At the same time, pay attention to data erasing and recovery functions, and beware of data loss. Protect passwords when you need them to log in and change them frequently. Do not post inappropriate or sexually suggestive pictures or comments, the Internet is not illegal, be a law-abiding netizen. The web is an anonymous world, and we should care about website safety, we should not respond to inappropriate requests. Respect copyright and support genuine book websites.

Consider how an employer would respond if you applied for a job with them and they assessed your social media presence via your digital identity.
Prepare a professional resume on social media, and the vast majority of recruiters believe that the first impression that your resume makes is very important. Secondly, ensure that the content published on social accounts is positive and can leave a good impression on recruiters. Last but not least, keep your social accounts open and keep your job postings available.

V&R map

1 Comment

  1. chloegao

    Hi Rongmu,
    I think it’s hard to prepare a resume on social media so that anyone can see resume and I think it’s not good for you. I think the main reason employers want to see your social media is to see if you are a suitable person for their company. From social media, you can see whether you are talkative, sunny or have the same values as the company. I think we just need to show who we should be
    I think it’s hard to prepare a resume on social media so that anyone can see resume and I think it’s not good for you. I think the main reason employers want to see your social media is to see if you are a suitable person for their company. From social media, you can see whether you are talkative, sunny or have the same values as the company. I think we just need to show who we should be

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